My wife Julie was diagnosed with pneumonia last Friday. The doctor told her that she had to go home and go to bed. She was told to treat it as if she was in the hospital even though she was at home. I know that many people have been praying for her and thankfully she has begun to feel a little better. The fever finally broke and while the cough is still prevalent, at least some of the pain has subsided.
Now of course, when mommy is laid up the rest of the home is put in a tough position as well. The kids still need to be taken care of, the house still needs to be cleaned, the laundry needs to be done, and of course everyone still needs to eat. We have four children, ages 2-10 and so you can imagine that while Julie has been recuperating, my life has been kind of out of whack. I have been trying to be both mommy and daddy for the last few days as well as taking care of a sick wife.
Thankfully my work is flexible and I have been able to do a lot of work from home so that the kids are still okay. I also can multi-task, at least to some extent, which means that I can get laundry and other household tasks done while also working on my sermon and even writing this blog.
But one of the reasons these last few days have gone so well is because of the ministry of hospitality provided to us by our River Church family. Julie’s parents live nearby, but they were on their way out of town when Julie was diagnosed. Julie’s mom offered to postpone our trip, but I told her to go ahead and go, because while it would be convenient to have her here, we also have a church family here with us and they have really stepped up.
We have had a few people volunteer to take the kids for a time so that I could get work done or run errands. And we have had several families that have brought us meals so that I did not have to think about cooking dinner. What a blessing everyone has been.
This is part of what it means to “be the church.” We are called to show hospitality to one another. We are supposed to care for one another. It isn’t always easy. It isn’t always convenient. But we do it because we are called to “be the church.” I am so thankful to our church family for the blessing they have been during this time of need. Thanks church!