Have you ever had someone call you on the phone and the person on the other end of the line just starts talking or says something like, “hey it’s me,” and yet you have no idea who it is? It’s like the person thought they were familiar enough that you would recognize them and know their voice, but you don’t. That typically leads to a bit of an awkward encounter. Do you say, “excuse me, but I don’t know who you are,” or do you just let them keep talking and hope that at some point you will get a clue as to who this person is?
The reason a scenario like that is so awkward is because recognizing someone’s voice implies an intimate relationship. We wouldn’t recognize the voice of someone we had just met or someone we only occasionally talk with. But in this scenario apparently the person on the other end of the line thinks that we have that kind of intimate relationship with them and yet we have no idea who they are.
The key is that in order to be familiar enough to know who the person is on the other end of the phone we need to have spent enough time listening to that voice already. We need to know their voice. And that takes time.
The same is true with Jesus. We need to spend time getting to know His voice. This Sunday we are going to take a look at a passage from Scripture that paints for us a picture of Jesus that many will recognize. But we will also be challenged to consider whether or not we would recognize His voice? We will be looking at John 10 and considering Jesus as the Good Shepherd. Consider joining us this Sunday, at 2510 Chaska Blvd. at 9:30 a.m.