So in my devotions this morning I was reading about the Magi in Matthew chapter 2. Have you ever thought about these guys that traveled from so far away and for who knows how long, in search of the one who was born king of the Jews? We don’t know much about them. We know they came from the east because they saw a star. We know they stopped in Jerusalem and asked for directions to where the baby was to be born. We know that they eventually wind up in Bethlehem after hearing of the prophecy from Michah 5. And we know that the star reappeared and guided them to the place where the child was. But one of the most interesting things that we know about them, is their response when they finally find the child. Matthew 2:11 says they bowed down and worshiped him and they they presented him with gifts of gold and incense and myrrh.
We don’t know how long their journey took them or how long they spent in Bethlehem. We don’t know how many friends and family they had to leave behind. We don’t know how much hardship they had to endure, or what the cost was for them to make this trip. But it does appear that they spent much more time on the journey than they did at the destination. All that travel simply to worship the newborn King.
What a statement to us. What a challenge for us during this holiday season. How much effort are we willing to put forth to worship the King? How far are we willing to go? How much sacrifice are we willing to make during this Christmas season simply to worship the King?
Next time you pass a nativity scene and see the three wise men standing there with their gifts in their hands, take a moment and consider what they went through simply to worship the King, and then may that reflection cause you to worship Him as well.